Well, I have been home from my trip for a week now, two more days until I go back to work. It was a trip I will always remember. The beauty is/was beyond words. The marvels in this country are breathtaking. The time alone was rejuvenating. The perspective it has given me is restful.
Here is a bit of a recap.
Miles Driven: 2414
Nights away 30
Nights in a motel/hotel 4
RV Parks 3
Approximate cost $3000.00
Gas cost (included above) 800.00
I've learned alot, about RVing, about this country, about myself.
I can now identify pinyon and juniper trees.
I've added words to my vocabulary, like anticline, crytobiotic, hogback.
I know I don't care for RVing when it is really hot out.
RVing is great for getting away from people and being outside.
I love the freedom of being able to camp anywhere, and still have a bathroom and shower!
I've learned I can live on hot dogs, PB and J sandwiches, eggs, cereal, oatmeal and cheese.
Curly is a good judge of character and when it is too hot to walk.
I live in too much of a rush.
I need to complete one thing before I go on to another.
Park in hotel parking lots for free wifi.
I have learned how to create and maintain this blog!
Thanks for reading and joining me on my adventure.